In the mantic art of cartomancy, it is known that cards are always interpreted individually, in relation to each other (two cards), but also as a whole of three, four, or even five cards. On this occasion, we will deal with several combinations of three cards. As you can see, each of them
describes a love segment. It is important to point out that although these combinations are most commonly used in fortune-telling with 32 cards (ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7), which is after all the French traditional way of fortune-telling, they can also be used in fortune-telling with 52 tickets. Likewise, in the examples shown, it is completely irrelevant whether a card is in an upright or inverted position. It does not change their basic meaning when they are together next to each other.
When a combination like this appears in a love fortune telling, there is no doubt that the client is in a relationship or marriage, or will soon be, where everything is bursting with passion and the partners cannot get enough of each other.
This sequence of cards is desired by all lovers, as it announces a meeting with a loved one.
These three cards together, arranged in this order, announce to the client an ideal opportunity to win the desired person or fulfill what they want with him. The combination should be taken seriously and should be used.
In short: the goal was achieved! A combination that reveals that you will be in a relationship with a loved one.
As the name itself suggests, this means that the client, if he is married, has a very happy love life, and if he is not, he expects to be reunited with his soulmate in the future.
Little tips
Although fortune-telling in itself is magical and satisfies innate human curiosity, don't go overboard with the cards just because you didn't like what you saw. My advice is that only when you are in a good mood and relaxed, only then look at your cards. Then you can best connect and interpret what the cards are telling you. Remember: sometimes negative meanings are not bad or definitive, but they just warn you to slow down, stop, postpone a decision or move. Also, learn to be patient because it doesn't always mean that what the cards have shown will happen very quickly.